Discounts Catalog

Numerous discounts and promotions are part of Faberlic’s extensive loyalty program, reflected in the specific offers of each catalog. There are so many that it is easy to get lost in them.

It may seem that everything offered is at a significant discount, but this is only partially true. To find products with significant discounts, which sometimes reach up to 80%, let’s understand how Faberlic’s discount system works.

All discounts, promotions, and sales are synchronized with the validity period of the main catalog. They remain valid for the entire period that the catalog is in effect.

The validity period of each main catalog is indicated on the first page, in the upper right corner, and lasts for two to three weeks.

The main catalog usually lasts for three weeks, but there are also two-week catalogs. This is because it is convenient to divide the calendar year into fifteen three-week periods and three two-week periods, which correspond to the catalogs.

Thus, 18 catalogs are published annually. Each catalog offers a unique set of promotions, discounts, and sales offers.

However, there are also two types of catalogs whose validity period may differ from the main catalog.

First Type

These are special product catalogs, where the prices of the products can be fixed for a longer period. For example, several months or longer.

Second Type

These are the main catalogs for the new, developing markets of Faberlic. Such a catalog can fix prices, promotions, and discounts for two to three months or even longer.

As a result, the structure of Faberlic’s discounts, promotions, sales, and prices is directly related to the release of each new main catalog.

And for a buyer who is determined to save as much as possible, it is important to review and even study each catalog, as there are many beneficial offers in each catalog. They range from minor to very significant.

How to Find Promotions

Direct Discounts

These are discounts offered without additional conditions, indicated with a red label in the catalog. They are usually shown at the bottom of the page and indicate the percentage of discount on a specific product or group of products. Discounts can vary from 40% to 50%, sometimes reaching 60% and rarely 65%.

Conditional Discounts

Such discounts require fulfilling a specific condition, for example, a minimum total order amount, to make the discount available. The limits for activating discounts are indicated on the red label.

Discounts on Two Products

The offer includes a special price for the purchase of two products, often working as a «two for the price of one» offer. Buyers can choose two products from the list at a significantly lower price.

A Special Type of Promotional Offers — Sales

They are available on the Faberlic website in the SALES section. The size of the discounts reaches incredible levels, but they can be short-lived as the number of offers is often limited.

Personal Discounts

These are aimed at new or experienced buyers and correspond to the START PROGRAM and VIP PROGRAM, respectively.

To take advantage of the discounts, start by registering on the website. This step will open up many privileges for you:

  • Personal discounts immediately after registration, as a welcome bonus.
  • A gift for registration — an exclusive offer for new users.
  • Participation in the starter program, which offers additional discounts and bonuses to newcomers.
  • Access to the VIP program and the loyalty program, designed for experienced buyers who want to get the maximum benefit from their purchases.

Do not miss the opportunity to maximize your benefits by taking advantage of all available promotional offers and discounts. Registering on the website is your first step towards economical and beneficial purchases.


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