How long before bedtime can you drink your last glass of water to wake up without puffiness

Morning puffiness is a very unpleasant phenomenon that many women suffer from. It appears on the face as general swelling, bags under and above the eyes. A swollen face does not look its best: the eyes become smaller, and the nose and cheeks look larger. But the problem is not only about beauty: constant puffiness stretches the skin and leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles.
What to do if you have morning puffiness
In the case of persistent morning puffiness, it is necessary to see a doctor to rule out diseases, as some of them (such as heart disease, stomach issues) can cause such symptoms. If health is in order, you need to find out the cause of the puffiness.
Can you drink water before bed
It is a common belief that puffiness after sleep is related to the large amount of water drunk the night before.
In fact, this is not entirely true. If the face is swollen after drinking a large amount of water, it is only partially related to the water itself. Fluid retention in the body is triggered by other factors, which we will consider, but first, let’s find out what happens if you drink water before bed and how much you can drink.
How much water to drink before bed
The optimal norm for water consumption is considered to be 30 ml per day per kilogram of body weight. But this is an approximate value because in hot weather or during physical exertion, the body requires more water.
In general, you should drink water according to your thirst. Clean water, in addition to soups and juices, should be present in a person’s life. But some people have a tendency to drink too little water and not notice it. If you belong to such a type of people, it is recommended to monitor this and try to distribute the water norm throughout the day.
Should you drink water before bed?
Sometimes you will come across recommendations to limit yourself in drinking and even not drink anything 2-3 hours before bed. This is not the best idea if you feel like drinking. Moreover, forced restriction of water can, on the contrary, lead to its retention in the tissues.
Those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases should be cautious about this recommendation: dehydration makes the blood thicker, and well-being may worsen. Another matter is drinks containing caffeine and sugar (including juices, as they contain fructose). These can and should be excluded 2-3 hours before sleep or even earlier.
Experts advise drinking the last glass of water no later than half an hour before going to bed. And the glass should be quite small — 100-150 ml. But this limitation is not related to the danger of morning puffiness, but to the fact that a large amount of liquid drunk before bedtime will make you go to the toilet at night. Meanwhile, continuous night sleep brings benefits to beauty and health, not to mention that many women, having woken up in the middle of the night, find it difficult to fall asleep again.
The choice of drinks you consume before bed is very important. Tea, coffee, and some herbal infusions have diuretic properties, and if you drink them shortly before bedtime, you will most likely wake up at night. It is better to drink clean water or warm milk before bed, which does not have a diuretic effect.
What causes morning puffiness
Let’s look at the main reasons why the morning reflection in the mirror can be upsetting.
Certain phase of the cycle The female body retains water in the middle and at the end of the cycle, which is noticeable not only in the mirror but also on the scales. This is done to ensure a reserve of water in case of significant blood loss or pregnancy. After a few days, everything goes away on its own, and there is nothing to do about it.
Consumption of certain foods and drinks This is perhaps the most common cause of morning puffiness.
Foods that cause morning puffiness include:
- salty and spicy dishes;
- starchy and floury foods;
- sweet products and drinks;
- alcoholic beverages and beer;
- dairy products in large quantities;
- nuts.
Consuming these foods and drinks leads to the body retaining water, and it will no longer matter how many hours before sleep you drank your last glass of water.
Fried dishes and dry products, like chips and croutons, provoke intense thirst, so it’s better not to consume them in the evening. Now imagine chips, salty nuts, and croutons. These are dry products, also salty, spicy, and starchy. Of course, after them, you will want to drink a lot, and all the water you drink will not leave the body quickly.
So if you want to wake up without puffiness in the morning, eat protein foods for dinner — meat, chicken, fish baked or boiled, accompanied by raw, boiled, or stewed vegetables.
Medication intake Some medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cause morning puffiness. When you stop taking them, the puffiness will go away, but while you are taking them, it is useless to fight puffiness.
Overwork, lack of sleep, heavy physical exertion Many people have noticed that facial puffiness appears if you do not sleep for several days in a row, spend little time in the fresh air, and overwork or train too hard in the gym.
For the prevention of morning puffiness, it is very important to observe the daily routine. Exercise in the gym should be moderate. If you have a sedentary job, it is useful to take a half-hour walk before bed, and during the day arrange «physical breaks.»
What to do if your face is swollen in the morning
If morning puffiness is not caused by diseases or medication intake, a few simple measures can help you. First of all — light gymnastics.
Any physical activity improves blood circulation and lymphatic flow, so a morning run or gymnastics (not to exhaustion) is an excellent remedy for puffiness.
You can also do special lymphatic drainage exercises. Stand up straight, lift onto your toes and drop your heels on the floor with a slight impact to make your body vibrate. Repeat 30 times, rest, and do two more sets. Lie on the floor, lift your slightly bent arms and legs vertically up and shake them finely for a minute. Rest and do another 1-2 sets.
After gymnastics, drink a cup of tea or coffee, which have diuretic effects, and take a shower. For 10 minutes, pour warm water over your back; this stimulates the kidneys. Then, if you do not have contraindications, take a contrast shower, alternating hot and cold water several times. Stay under warm water for 1-2 minutes and under cold water for 20-30 seconds.
Apply cream to your face and do a tapping massage. Face self-massage with rollers and a gua sha plate also works well.
Most likely, after all these procedures, your face will refresh and look better. But for the future, try to remember how to avoid morning puffiness.